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日期: 2024-01-18 13:56:01 来源: 画暮雨



  1. 辞旧迎新:这是春节前重要的活动之一,人们通过祭祖、扫尘、收拾房屋等形式来迎接新年的到来,同时也要把旧年的晦气和不愉快全部抛诸脑后。

  2. 守岁:在除夕夜,家庭成员聚在一起,一直守候到凌晨,守岁的同时还要吃年糕,意味着“年年高”。

  3. 爆竹声声:人民用爆竹声来迎接新年的到来,希望驱逐霉运、辟邪避邪,使整个家庭和谐幸福。

  4. 逛庙会:庙会是春节期间受欢迎的活动之一,人们可以品尝各种美食,欣赏传统表演,以及购买年货和陶艺品等。

  5. 舞狮龙:在传统文化中,舞狮和舞龙活动是必不可少的,人们认为舞狮可以驱邪纳福,并祈求来年的丰收和吉祥。

  6. 贴年画:人们会在家门口贴年画,寓意着美好的祝福,并添加喜庆的气氛。

  7. 守灯笼:夜晚,家家户户挂上红色的灯笼,象征着希望和团圆。有的地方还举办灯笼展览,吸引游客和市民参观。

  8. 发红包:长辈会给晚辈们发放红包,象征着对新年的祝福和福运。

  9. 吃团圆饭:除夕夜的晚餐是春节的重要部分,各家各户都会全家团聚,享受一顿丰盛的晚餐,并互相致以祝福。

  10. 祭祖祈福:祭祖祈福是迎接新年的重要环节,人们会将祖先照片或牌位放在家中,向祖先祈求家庭的幸福和平安。

  11. 舞蹈表演:春节期间,各种舞蹈表演在社区、公园和广场上随处可见。人们通过舞蹈来展示喜庆和祝福。

  12. 赏花灯:花灯展览是春节期间的热门活动之一,游客和市民可以欣赏到各种精美的彩灯和灯组,照亮夜晚的城市,营造出喜庆的氛围。

  13. 猜灯谜:在花灯展览期间,人们不仅可以欣赏到灯谜,更可以通过猜灯谜的方式增加互动和娱乐性。

  14. 走亲访友:春节期间人们会走亲访友,互致新年祝福,同时也增进亲情和友情。

  15. 燃放烟花:春节期间,人们会燃放烟花,以祈求来年的平安和吉祥。

  16. 打麻将:在家庭聚会或者亲朋好友聚餐时,打麻将是必不可少的娱乐活动,也成了一种寓意丰收和合家欢乐的象征。

  17. 看春晚:春晚是春节期间受欢迎的电视节目之一,人们通常会整家人团聚在一起,一边观看节目,一边欢笑和分享快乐。




  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is a time for family reunions, feasting, and celebrations. During this festive season, there are numerous activities and traditions that take place, each with its own unique significance. In this article, we will explore a comprehensive list of Spring Festival activities in English.

  1. Reunion Dinner: As the Spring Festival is all about family, the reunion dinner is the most important activity. Families gather to enjoy a lavish meal together, usually on the eve of the Lunar New Year. It is a time to express gratitude and to strengthen family bonds.

  2. Red Packets: Giving red packets or envelopes with money is a common tradition during the Spring Festival. Married couples give these red envelopes to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.

  3. Fireworks and Firecrackers: Lighting fireworks and setting off firecrackers is a traditional practice during the Spring Festival. It is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck and prosperity for the new year.

  4. Lion Dance: The lion dance is a traditional Chinese dance performed during festive occasions, including the Spring Festival. Dancers wear lion costumes and perform intricate and lively movements to the beat of drums and cymbals. The lion is believed to bring good luck and fortune.

  5. Dragon Dance: The dragon dance is another traditional dance performed during the Spring Festival. A long dragon made of silk, paper, and bamboo is held overhead by a group of dancers who move in sync to create the illusion of a dragon's movement. It is believed to bring prosperity and ward off evil spirits.

  6. Lantern Festival: The Lantern Festival takes place on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year. People light and release lanterns into the sky, representing the releasing of troubles and wishing for a bright future. Lantern displays and lantern riddle games are also popular activities during this festival.

  7. Temple Fairs: Temple fairs are lively events held in various temples during the Spring Festival. They feature traditional performances, food stalls, handicrafts, and other festive activities. People visit these fairs to pray for blessings and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

  8. New Year's Gala: The CCTV New Year's Gala is an annual television program broadcasted on the eve of the Lunar New Year. It showcases a variety of performances, including music, dance, comedy, and acrobatics, and is widely watched by people all over China.

  9. Dumpling Making: Making and eating dumplings is a popular Spring Festival activity. It is believed that the shape of dumplings resembles ancient Chinese currency, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Family members gather together to make dumplings and enjoy this special dish.

  10. Spring Couplets: Spring couplets, also known as Chunlian, are pairs of poetic phrases that are hung on doors or displayed in houses during the Spring Festival. These phrases express good wishes for the new year and are believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

  11. Spring Festival Shopping: In the days leading up to the Spring Festival, people engage in extensive shopping for decorations, gifts, and food. Markets and malls bustle with crowds, and special discounts and promotions are offered to attract customers.

  12. Bai Nian: Bai Nian refers to the tradition of visiting friends and relatives during the Spring Festival. People exchange greetings, gifts, and red envelopes. It is a way to show respects and strengthen social connections.

  13. Guo Nian: Guo Nian, meaning "to celebrate the new year," involves various customs such as cleaning the house to sweep away bad luck, wearing new clothes for a fresh start, and decorating homes with red lanterns, Spring Festival couplets, and paper cuttings.

  14. New Year's Calligraphy: Calligraphy is an important art form in Chinese culture. During the Spring Festival, people practice calligraphy by writing auspicious phrases and couplets. It is believed that good calligraphy will bring good luck in the year ahead.

  15. Setting off Sky Lanterns: Setting off sky lanterns is a popular activity during the Spring Festival in some regions of China. People light lanterns and release them into the sky, carrying their wishes and blessings for the new year.

  These are just a few examples of the many activities and traditions that make the Spring Festival an auspicious and joyous occasion. Each activity has its own cultural significance, reflecting the rich heritage and customs of Chinese New Year celebrations. The Spring Festival is not only a time of celebration, but also a time of reflection, gratitude, and hope for a prosperous year ahead.



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